A. Background
Curriculum evaluation or assessment is one part of the evaluation of education, which focus on educational programs for students. The scope of the evaluation of educational programs ranging from planning, implementation, training and development programs. The curriculum as an educational program or course of study for students requiring assessment as feedback and refinement of materials according to the needs and demands of the community, students and the development of science and technology. Assessment results are very useful for decision makers in making curriculum changes both conceptually and structurally. In this paper will be presented the aspects related to the curriculum as evalusai learning programs for students.
B. Formulation of the problem
Based on the description in the above background, the issues that will be studied in this paper is formulated as follows:
1. Definition of curriculum evaluation
2. Principles of curriculum evaluation
3. Forms of curriculum evaluation
C. Purpose
The purpose of writing this paper is as follows:
1. Knowing evalusai understanding curriculum
2. Understand the principles of curriculum evaluation
3. Knowing the forms of curriculum evaluation
D. Methods of data collection
In collecting the material manufacture this paper, the authors take from several existing data sources, such as books, the internet, and some of the material that has been submitted.
A. Understanding Curriculum Evaluation
Evaluation is essentially a process of determining the value of something based on certain criteria. In this process there is the search for and collect the necessary data or information as a basis for determining the value of something that is the object of evaluation, such as programs, procedures, suggestions, how to, approach, working model, the results of the program, etc.. Therefore Stufflebeam view evaluation as a process that determines, seek and provide information necessary to determine the alternative decisions. In this formulation, there are three main factors, namely:
a. Judgment (judgment)
Consideration is the base in making decisions. Making a decision means determines a certain degree with respect to the results of the evaluation. Consideration requires accurate and relevant and credible. If the decision is made without a steady process of consideration, it can result in poor or less solid result.
b. Description of assessment objects
Description of assessment objects are behavioral changes as a product of a system. Behavior is to be explained, detailed, and specified that can be observed and measured.
c. The criteria can be accounted
the measures that will be used in assessing an object. The assessment criteria should be relevant to the criteria of success, while the criteria for success should be seen in relation to the target program or curriculum. According to Morrison, assessment criteria must meet the following requirements:
a) relevant to the frame of reference and evaluation purposes and objectives of the program or curriculum
b) applied to relevant and descriptive data concerning the program or curriculum
B. Principles of Curriculum Evaluation
In assessing the curriculum, both in terms of program curriculum is written in the book curriculum (ideal), and the curriculum has been completed (actual) there are certain principles that must be observed. These principles can be used as a basis to determine the criteria and considerations-curriculum assessment criterion or indicator.
Concepts and ideas that exist within each principle a measure of the success or failure of a curriculum as a means to achieve educational goals. The principles used are:
a. Clear objectives
In assessing the curriculum, must be formulated clearly expected goals, characteristics and nature of the program (academic programs, vocational programs). It is implicit in the purpose of school, type of schooling, level of education, the purpose of the field study, and others. Clarity of purpose is essential for assessment provide guidelines on what data is needed, the facets and aspects which need to be assessed as well as the type of assessment tool or which one should be used. For example, to see the results, refine the curriculum (weaknesses), to see the process of curriculum implementation or remedy purposes of curriculum change.
The purpose is basically to obtain accurate information, as a material for setting policy in the curriculum. Curriculum assessment without a clear purpose to produce data that is not meaningful because it does not know what the data is used.
b. Realism
Evaluation of the curriculum should be pretty realistic, meaning that it can be implemented in accordance with the conditions and capabilities. In other words, curriculum assessment is limited to aspects that can only be judged. These conditions include the state funds are available, the assessment tools you have, the ability of the assessors.
c. Ecology
A curriculum should be able to take into account the close relationship between the course and the situation of the area, where the school is located, such as local economic conditions (factories, companies, agriculture, fisheries, forestry, tourism, natural soil in terms of geological and so on). Thus the assessment of the curriculum not only in the educational environment because the school and the stau sub-system of the local ecology. Therefore the success of the curriculum directly or indirectly, influenced by the local environment.
d. Operational
An assessment should be operational, meaning that should be able to formulate specific, what things should be measured or assessed in conducting curriculum assessment. Data assessment results both quantitatively and qualitatively have a tangible outcome or impact of the implementation of the daily curriculum. For example, learning outcomes data is data that a child's achievement in school. Data on the ability of teachers is the observation of the teachers who taught at the school. Data on the number of students is enrolled students at the time of the assessment carried out. As such all information obtained is an empirical fact that happened at school.
e. Classification
In assessing the curriculum for a particular institution must first exist a clear classification of angles:
a) Qualification and level of education
b) Type of school
c) The type of curriculum used
d) The ability and carrying capacity of the school (categorized as good, moderate, less than its carrying capacity)
e) Geographic (eg; villages, towns)
f) etc.
This is necessary in order to interpret and conclude the assessment or no bias from objective picture on the field. Generalizations can be made, but certain conditions remains to be seen. For example, an assessment carried out in the existing urban elementary schools, but the results are used to deduce nationally. This is a disadvantage because the conditions in the city school different from the conditions in the village primary school.
f. Balance
The principle of balance in the curriculum assessment is intended to assess a curriculum that not only do the real curriculum (actual curriculum) but also at the same time the ideal curriculum or curriculum intended (intended). Without a balanced assessment of both the final conclusion can not solve the weaknesses and constraints. In addition, in the context of other curriculum assessments should also be a balance for each component of the curriculum. Prioritizing the assessment of a particular component while reducing the intensity of the assessment for the other components.
g. Continuity / sustainability
Assessment should be done thoroughly curriculum for each level of education. That is conducted from basic education, secondary education and higher education. This is important because the effort to revamp the curriculum at a certain rate or level of education, such as elementary education should be continuous improvement efforts at further education level.
Thus if found weaknesses such an educational program for the field of science in primary schools, as well as in junior high, and high school, so the consummation covering the entire elementary, junior high and high school, no half measures. This principle can be made for each field of study, every level and every level of education.
C. Curriculum Implementation Evaluation Form
It has been explained that the evaluation of the curriculum can be geared to the curriculum as a program (plan) and the curriculum as implemented (realized) in the classroom. To assess the curriculum in the sense they can be used in two ways, namely formative assessment and summative assessment.
a. Formative assessment or appraisal process
That assessment conducted during the course of a program. The main purpose is to fix some flaws as soon as possible without waiting for the program is completed. A variety of assessment tools that can be used as observation, interviews, tests, and others. Thus in terms of the award are all components and support the implementation of the program.
Monitoring the implementation of the program is an important part of formative assessment. Appraisers can be teachers, principals, education supervisors, or a special assessment team prepared by curriculum designers. Implementation must continue not only once or twice in order to obtain an objective and comprehensive results. Assessment results immediately arranged for immediate use in the implementation of the program has been determined yag. Terms are assessed through formative teaching example implementation, the administration, the use of textbooks, instructional use of media or medium, etc.
b. Summative assessment or the assessment of the results
the assessment of the outcomes of a program. In contrast to formative assessment, summative assessment must await the completion of a program. For example, after a year of running the program, or after the educational institutions produce graduates. The main objective to assess the success of a program that has been seen from the predetermined goals. Aspects assessed primarily the product or result of a program that is of quality, quantity, graduates. Among graduates who can affect the ability of teachers, curriculum effectiveness, etc.. The tools used such as tests, questionnaires, observations, etc..
There are criteria used in the assessment of the curriculum. First, the criteria based on its intended purpose, or often called the benchmark criteria. This means that the success or failure of a program compared to pre-determined criteria. Second, the criteria based on norms or standards achieved these criteria as it is seen from the success of a group that implements the proram. In other words, the group became a basic reference standard in determining the success of a program. On the basis of the curriculum as it is in assessing the educational program should be two criteria above are used interchangeably in accordance with the intent and purpose of the evaluation and the curriculum itself.
Things to consider in setting criteria for the success of a program is the condition and the ability of the school, such as the number and quality of teachers, completeness means of learning relationships with community schools, coaching by supervisors and others.
Evaluation of the curriculum is the process of finding and collecting the necessary data or information as a basis for determining the value of something that is the object of evaluation based on certain criteria.
There are three important things that should be included in the evaluation process;
a. assign a value or a judgment.
b. existence of a criteria.
c. a description of the program as an object of assessment.
Principles in Evaluation curriculum includes; clear objectives, realism, ecology, operational, classification, balance, continuity / sustainability
Curriculum evaluation form, there are two ways that formative assessment and summative assessment
Nasution, S. , 2003. Curriculum Development. New York: PT Citra Aditya Bakti
Sudjana, Nana. 2002. Building and Development in the School Curriculum. New York: New Light Algensindo
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