Sense Of Religion
Underlying feelings and often underlie human activities. Therefore education should be cultivated in a sense that will help the implementation of business being done that. We generally know that excitement is intensified, disappointment soften, weaken. Because it would be nice if education and teaching that can be received by students in an atmosphere of joy.
The feeling is generally concerned with the function of know, that feeling can arise due to observe, perceive, imagining, remembering, or thinking about something. Nevertheless the feeling is not just the introduction of additional symptoms rather than function alone, but is a function of its own. Feelings are also often concerned with physical symptoms but also still function tersendiri.1 tokh
A. Definition of Feelings
Mental symptoms include feeling shared by all people, just not the same style and level. Symptoms include a feeling of not knowing, however often associated with feelings of well known symptoms.
The feeling is usually defined as the psychological symptoms that are commonly associated with subjective symptoms familiar and experienced in quality pleasure or displeasure in various degree.
According Prof.Hukstra, feeling is a function of the soul to be able to consider and measure things with a sense of happy and unhappy.
Another definition, is a state of spiritual feelings or psychological event that we experience a happy or unhappy in a relationship with a known event and is subjective.
The elements of feeling:
- Characteristically opinion rather than recognize the symptoms.
- Has to do with the familiar symptoms.
- Feelings experienced as a feeling of pleasure or displeasure, which is not the same level.
Feelings properties:
- Happy and unhappy
- Strong and weak
- Old and no longer
- Relative
- Do not stand alone statement sebaagai soul
Classes of people according to state his feelings:
- Group Eukoloi: is the class of people who always feel calm, genbira, and optimistic.
- Group Diskoloi: is the class of people who always feel uneasy, depressed, and pessimistic.
Feeling more closely related to one's personal and relates well with the symptoms to another soul. Therefore, a response to something someone's feelings is not the same as the response to the feelings of others, to do the same.
For example, there are two people together watching a painting. A painting of them responded with pleasure and admiration, in short he considered that the painting "good". Someone else responds to the painting with an indifferent, the painting seems to not attract attention. In other words he considered the painting was "not good". Either good or not good all of which are subjective and subjectivity is closely related to their personal circumstances.
Because of the subjective nature in this sense, the symptoms can not be equated with feelings known symptoms, can not be equated with observations, thoughts and so on.
Introduction to rely on things that exist, based on the fact. While the feeling is strongly influenced by the interpretation of the person experiencing it.
Feelings are not a stand-alone psychiatric symptoms, but relevant or closely related mental symptoms of other, including the familiar symptoms. Sometimes symptoms accompanied by a feeling of familiar events and vice versa, at one time there are symptoms menertai feelings known events.
Symptoms depend on our feelings:
a) The state of the body, such as our body is ill, we feel more irritable than when our body is healthy and fresh.
b) The delivery of, there are people who have a high-strung nature, some are otherwise immune to feelings.
c) develops a person's feeling that he has had something. Because it is easy to understand that the circumstances that have influenced the development of the pattern can provide feelings. So in addition to the factors influencing feelings as mentioned above, there are many other things that can affect human feelings, such as family circumstances, the atmosphere of the household, social environment, education, occupation, social, everyday, life goals, and so on. In modern life many are various tools that are used to enrich the emotional stimuli, such as television, radio, movies, magazines, drawings, and others.
B. Rate and Power (Intensity) Feeling
a) The feeling that accompanies being experienced events (eg, observation, thinking) is stronger than the feeling of something memory.
b) unhappy feelings caused by the sense of taste and smell, much stronger than the feelings caused by hearing and sight.
c) Feelings depend on the state (condition) body and mind at a time.
d) The power of feelings will be reduced, if the things that cause feelings lasted too long and repetitive.
C. Distribution Feelings
The human soul is a unity that can not be divided on the parts that stand alone. For ease of review, have been tried share feelings with each other having a close relationship is classified into one, in fact there are various feelings division, and the division is commonly used:
1. Physical Feelings
1) Feeling Sensing
2) Feelings of Biological
2. Spiritual feelings (psychological)
1) Feeling The Lordship
2) Feelings of Decency
3) Feeling Social
4) Feeling Beauty
5) Feelings of self-esteem
6) Feeling Intellect
1. Kewiyasaan feelings, often called a physical feeling and the feeling of biology. This feeling corporality and the closely related functions of life. Included in the biological sense, among others:
feelings associated with sight, taste, smell, heat, cold, rough, smooth, and so on.
feelings associated with meal digestion, blood circulation, pain, fatigue, and so on.
feelings associated with the instinct, eating, hunger, fear, and so on.
2. Feelings Psycho, also called the spiritual sense, because it is closely related to the things that are spiritual / psychological. Therefore this feeling is often referred to as noble or high feeling. Which include psychological feelings are:
1) Feeling The Lordship
That is the highest spiritual feelings in humans. Human actions are noble and pure-centered flavor to this deity. Inspiration and inspiration gained a sense of the deity.
Feeling the deity is the feeling of knowing there is a God. For example, people will be happy, if he tasted, that God always protects and close to him. Instead, people will always worry, kalu he knew the Lord, but he often did not correspond to his teachings.
Each man has a feeling of the deity seeds which includes feeling confident in God, believe on the nature of the all-perfect God, believe in the great power of God, believe and obey the laws of God with him, so that all actions and business in the world can also animate the preparations in the world live there (the Hereafter).
Feeling the deity brought fear breaking the law of God, fear of sin, feel small in the witness of creation and nature of God, which ultimately respect for the majesty of God and glorify the Lord.
2) Feelings of Decency (Ethis)
Decency is everything related to our appreciation of the good things and bad, right and wrong.
Could arise in living up to something positive moral feeling, that feeling that arises from witnessing good deeds, and feelings of negative morality, namely the feeling of seeing the bad deeds.
In the conduct of actions it is possible there is a sense of positive and negative, meaning virtue deeds will bring a sense of excitement, satisfaction and so forth. And the evil deeds cause guilt or sin.
Closely linked to feelings of moral decency act. The act of decency does not occur because of spontaneous or the result of thought alone, but closely related aspects of spirituality, such as: attention, motives and outlook on life, awareness of rights and responsibilities in society, norms, life lived, akhlah, and so on.
3) Social Feelings (Feelings Society)
Social feeling is, the feeling that comes from seeing the state of society. This feeling is related to what we think of the human beings, in which the responses others give rise to feelings of community. For example, there are people who are indifferent, even though he knows the community is damaged or backwards. There are also people who have seen the state of society, he felt obliged to.
People who are too thick felt about the society called the altruist, and is too focused feelings to yourself, is called selfish.
In the community there are many different styles and forms of social relations, there is a wide variety of custom and habit. In order arises society interactions (mutual influence) among members of the community. This gives rise to a relationship of mutual influence various psychological reactions, such as social sense, for example: love, hate, friendship, enmity, envy, resentment, envy, love, and so on.
The types of feelings associated with social feelings are:
a) Sympathy: a feeling for someone.
b) social feeling: the feeling of the community.
c) Selfishness: understand morality of selfishness.
d) Altruism: understand the importance of decency that many participate and feel of the latter.
e) The feeling of nationality: feelings of love for his people.
f) Chauvinism: understanding moral nation that prides itself superfluous.
4) Feeling Beauty (Aesthetis)
The feeling of beauty is the feeling that accompanies or arising because someone appreciate something beautiful or not beautiful.
Opinions about whether something is good is subjective. Often times what was beautiful for someone, maybe for others feel bad. A song for the A seriosa was very beautiful, was for the B is not necessarily so. From the above example it is said that they do not taste the same. The flavor is kind of measures that we use when responding something good or bad.
Sense of beauty there are 2 types, namely:
Negative sense of beauty is the feeling that we are sensing something bad.
A positive feeling of beauty is the feeling of beauty that arises kalu we sensing something good
The feeling is of course not the same with artists. And this feeling is influenced by:
- Age and sex
- Life (talent) one
- The soul of the nation
- The level of culture, etc.
5) Feelings of self-esteem
Feelings of self-esteem is a feeling that there is a person on the price itself. This feeling arises when we realize our self worth or not. There are people who find themselves able to do something useful. These feelings include feelings of self-worth.
Various kinds of feelings of self-esteem:
a. Feelings of positive self-esteem
This feeling arises when we are able to do something or we settle for something worse.
b. Negative feelings of self-esteem
These feelings arise when someone feels unable to do something, you feel less, was lower than that is too negative (interior), can lead to shyness, hesitated, feeling small, humble, anxious, reluctant, discouraged, and so .
c. Feelings of self-esteem are less
This feeling arises when one feels himself less valuable than others for various reasons.
6) Feeling Intellect
The feeling is a feeling that intellectuals concerned with the ability of intellect (mind) in solving the problems faced.
This feeling arises when we confront tasks that must be completed with reason. The feeling is there in the form of intellectual feeling of love, that if we can find a solution to the difficulties faced. Besides, there is no feeling like it, that if we can not solve the problems we face. This can give a feeling of intellectual impulses to conduct diligent research and strengthen the impulses toward science.
People are normal feelings move among happy and unhappy.
The feeling is influenced by external circumstances such a bitter life experience, poor socio-economic conditions, and so on. Instead of life shaped by feelings. So there is a reciprocal relationship between feelings and life experiences.
Various kinds of feelings disorders:
a) Melancholia or depression
This feeling has negative traits, such as always gloomy, grim, hard, look at the outside world with darkness. The events outside the encouraging not bring any change in his feelings. Melancholia feelings often stem from feelings of fear and do not know a way out. Because it is likely to result in a feeling of melancholia suicide.
b) Maniso
People suffering maniso discrete too agile and as if never known trouble. Way of thinking of people maniso vague and disjointed. Life experiences bitter / painful cause such a reaction, and is seen as a way to protect themselves from events pwristiwa unpleasant. He laughed, but the laugh is bland and sometimes cynical.
c) Apathesia
Patients almost equal sekalitidak or show his feelings. Her feelings are dulled at all. Sufferers do not care about the circumstances on the outside, whether it is pleasant or distressing circumstances, it still will not move the soul. Patients are usually indifferent to all the situations that occur in the vicinity.
At the beginning it has been said that the symptoms of feeling alone, but has to do with the mental symptoms are even feeling the state of the body is indeed undeniable.
If anyone converse is usually accompanied by hand gestures. The movement is none other than the expression of feelings to clarify what he said.
From the examples above it is clear that there is a relationship between emotional symptoms with the state of the body. This relationship is not only a direct effect, but actually there is a reciprocal relationship.
The state of the body can affect the feelings and feelings that cause some body movement. The fact is many of us see in everyday life. Most of us can think-irakan what others feel by observing movements visually, for example, from the motion of his eyes, his lyrics, and so on.
Having regard to wrinkle his forehead, mouth motion, we can determine whether the person is angry or being liked, or bored. A lot of feelings that arise in conjunction with the event body. Laughing, yelling, fist, nothing but the movement of the accompanying feelings. Dance, rhythmic gymnastics is a movement to express feelings.
Body responses to the feelings can be either: expression, facial movements.
- Pantomimik, limb movements, the language of the deaf, composed of movements that include mime and pantomimik.
- The movement of the body, such as heart rate increases faster than normal, the face becomes pale, and so on.
Human action is influenced by the encouragement and emotional pressures and the results of objective thought and consideration.
There are three basic principal of emotions, namely:
• Aspects of inner experience
• Aspects of behavior that looks
• The physiological changes internally
Less emotional terms can be interpreted as a condition that arises from the human organism. Emotion is a conscious experience that influence physical activity, which results in sensing-sensing organic and descry KINESTHETIC and expression, as well as impulses and a strong sense of atmosphere.
Emotions are not the same as the impulse or desire or motive. But there is a causal relationship between emotions with it. The function of an emotion include physiological changes, descry behavior, feelings and pressures.
Some feeling has been experienced since the beginning of the baby. Because children react emotionally, the child gain some understanding of their own behavior and the behavior of others about him. Also before he can undergo an emotional reaction, at first he had already developed the ability to recognize a stimulus as the cause of emotion.
If the brain called the "cortical areas" developed enough, children mengordinasikan patterns of behavior through restrictions, regulations and controls directly to his actions with his mental processes. Because it is through these experiences in the early stages of life, emotional patterns formed or diubah.2
Emotional reaction is a symptom of a complex soul, which has the shape and variety assortment. Among the emotional reaction is:
a. Surprised, is going to suddenly because of the things that was not previously suspected.
b. Sadness, emptiness is felt missing something appreciated.
c. Excited, is feeling positive about anything at hand.
d. Fear, is feeling weak or do not dare to face any situation.
e. Restless, is a kind of fear, but in a mild degree. Kegelisan an atmosphere of life dealing with something unknown certainty, uncertainties regarding any rights, indecision, etc..
f. Worried, feeling helpless sesuati is considered more powerful and with feeling threatened.
g. Angry, a reaction to something the obstacles that cause the failure of a business.
h. Wonder, is the object of a reaction to something that has never been experienced.
i. Giriş, is the feeling that arises in a person when there is no longer a balance between himself and the environment. Suffering no longer able to cope with life. This feeling affects the lives of suffering, therefore these feelings can arise at any time.
Symptoms feeling (feeling) different from thinking, feeling it is subjective, much influenced by the state of a person, what is good, beautiful, pleasing to a particular person, not necessarily too bad, beautiful, fun, for others.
Spiritual feelings must be developed as well as possible. And this can be done in almost any educational situation.
Perasaa-specific feelings very clear development in adolescence, such as the feeling of nationality, social feelings, religious feelings. Educators should use this sensitive period secaa best.
Ideally, those feelings must be developed in a balanced and harmonious.
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