
Senin, 05 November 2012


History of Islamic Civilization The first four caliphs
a. Politics
The first Caliph was ash fuels. The one on the lift through a meeting that lasted sagifah so tough. Due to the individual nature of the Arabs, or ethnic nationalist. Once the ash burns up as Caliph, there was a defection from the Arab tribes to Islam but were not declared at the time was the defection of mecca and medina.
The order to lift the fuel ash as a replacement khlifah him. However, ad groups argue that the prophet commands the ash fuels to replace priests pray is not same meaning as the appointment of a caliph menjai.
In general, does the Qur'an has set three basic Islamic rule is: "justice, consultation, and adherence to ulil amri. Neither liked nor disliked by the believers, except those ordered ulil amri iniquity against God. So he should not be listened to and dipatuhi.berdasarkan three basic Islamic rule contained in the Qur'an. So sagifah meetings, the discussion about the removal of fuel ashes substitute caliph prophet as that proposed by the umar. Due to the nature of the Arabs who have a strong internal solidarity on the one hand, and on the other side of the ferocious tribe or another so that the meeting sagifah caliphate lasted so alotnya. Each tribe wanted the caliphate of their own people. Until arguments arise, "from your people there caliph caliph of my people also." But this argument is directly refuted by each group.
Preoblem facing huge fuel ash is the appearance of false prophets, the emergence of the dissenter zakat, and the emergence of the families of the apostate. But because keiklasan fuel and ash kejujuranya transisiini mamapu lead time for 2 years. Run power during combustion ash as government at the time that the prophet is central. Powers legislative, executive and judicial branches concentrated in the hands khafilah. In addition to running a government, khafilah also melaksnakan law. However, as well as the prophet muhammad, ash burns always invite friends magnitude deliberation.
Abu Bakr was the mighty and famous with his sword. When the ash and burning pain felt his end was near, he consulted with the leaders of the companions, then raised Umar as his successor in order to prevent possible disputes and divisions among Muslims. Abu Bakr died, while the troops were mengancampalestina vanguard of Islam, Iraq and the kingdom Hirani. He was replaced by his right hand alone is umar.
During umar gelomang expansion (expanding territory) first occurred in the capital Damascus syria. Fell in 635 m. In the reign of Umar, Islamic territory was covering jazurah arabia, palestine, syria and egypt persia parts being so rapid expansion of Islam. To make it easier to manage the administration, then Umar Islam divides power into 8 provinces namely: makkah, madina, syria, Basra, kafah, Palestinian and Egyptian
In the mass start is set umar payroll system and land tax court was established in order to separate the judiciary and the executive to maintain law and order as well as the established police department public works department on the mass umar already in the system of government according to their own field, unlike the abubakar mass and Muhammad himself all areas of each existing board
In the mass umar also known as the tax man is: immigrants who are not from the area and not the islam islam taxable person the person has to pay taxes on his own to the state
To reinforce the sword of Islam. Umar bring the sword of experts familiar with the ash-lu'luah. Namely a slave of persia. Therefore ash lu; sickness did not adopt the religion of islam abu lu; nauseating in kenai tax that people in need nenbayar taxes to the state
Umar also established the temple al-maal most places besides the store treasure umar also forge currency and creating Hijriyah. Umar ruled for ten years (13-23 h / 643/644 m) before Umar died he formed a committee consisting of 6 people friends and asked one of them to become caliph. The mass ended with the death umar department he was killed by lu'luah gray, gray-lu'luah was not satisfied with umar policy that requires him to pay taxes on her. Detekah Umar died, the team consulted and managed to lift Ustman as caliph, through the very tight competition with ali when ali in question who is entitled to occupy the position as Caliph he replied Ustman. However, when Ustman asked the same thing. He was the one who answered ali appropriate so ustmanlah caliph elected to replace umar
In the mass Ustman government (644-655) tunisia Armania cypous rhodes and the remaining part of Persia and tranoxania and tabanistan successfully captured. The first Islamic expansion ends here. In the mass Ustman tribal discrimination where all positions are distributed on their own people that they are children of uamyyah and salary, to be taken from the temple of al maal. This causes jealousy from tribes and other tribes until they take the fight against the government Ustman. To cause the death of a Ustman .. Ustman murdered in his own home and on leave for three days. Debagai where. That in quotes from badri orphan "rebels finally stormed the house usrman. Kill the dzalim and merapok his household and the holy jazadnya left for three days without burial.
After Ustman died. vacancy occurs kepemimpinansalam history of Islam, in order to prevent the possibilities that could happen, eventually Muslims rollicking lift replaces Ali as Caliph Ustman, at that time there was no one but him, both in the city and throughout the Islamic world medina. A person who can be trusted by the Muslims seluruhnya.22
One of the first made Mu'awiyah Ali adalh fired from his position in the Levant and raised sumbol hunauf as penggantinya23. The Umayyad demanded that Ali Ustman punish murderers. but Ali would not, do that, so the Umayyad known Mu'awiyah Ali rebellion against the government.
Threshold pemeruntahan Ali, Islamic Ummah split into three groups, namely Mu'awiyah, Shi'ites (followers of Ali) and the Khawarij (those coming out of the Ali). Ali Hasan died and was replaced by his son, while the stronger Mu'awiyah and Ali Hasan is not as strong. Until finally Hasan negotiate peace, and Muslims ruled by Mu'awiyah. Thus ended the sustem pemeruntahan khulafaurrasyidin replaced by sustem kingdom led by Mu'awiyah.
b. Economy
System economy during the reign khulafaurrasyidin is farming and trading every day they are preoccupied with the issue of water and grass 24. Agricultural products they export, among others, dates, aloes wood, raisin grapes and other fruits in addition to farming, the most important element is perekomoianmereka trade. Arab Society at that time was known exports. Kkomoditas south and the Yemen Arab exports are incense, myrrh, aloes wood, scented oils and animal skins. Raisin grapes, and other fruits. Commodities which they imported from East Africa include wood for building, ostrich feathers, precious metal bullion and Badat. From south asia and china are meat, precious stones, silk, garments, swords, spices. Meanwhile, from the Persian Gulf countries they import intan25. They obtained the sword and clothing of south asia and china, export-import has been known since the time of khulafaurrasyisin, they establish relations with the countries around them.
c. Social
In giografis landless Arabs and dominated by barren desert, the vehicle they use is a camel. people using the veil (covering the nose) so as not to breathe in the sand, a dry rocky arab region and mostly desert affect eatak Arabs. The Arabs had a very strong solidarity isternal and otherwise vicious towards other races and tribes. At the time of the Prophet, tribal nature is successfully converted into the nature of state nationalism, which initially they proudly mention tribal motto be changed to the motto of Islam, at the time of Abu Baker, Umar, these properties arise again, causing a split in the Islamic group. especially in the Ustman and Ali. the nature of this devastating tribal Muslims.
During Ustman, he embraced and raised them to government officials, Muhammad also never raised any of Bani hhhasyim to mendidiki position 26. Similarly, the time of Abu Bakr and Umar, This is to avoid the political jealousy.
d. Religion
The religion of the Arabs in the Khulafaur Rasydin than Islam is paganism, the worship of the pagan religions which profess generations since his time the prophet Moses. they are not easily melepadkan religion ari father and their mother, other than that there sebagin yabg embrace no religion that embraces a combination of their ancestors that vetersme (worship stone or in wood) they worship boulders or large trees that is considered Kramat and to provide protection for them. and ttetoisme (ie, cult of animals and plants are considered sacred) deperti as they worship cows, because they consider sacred. And Anemisme namely: belief in spirits. But not a few who embrace the teachings of Ibrahim hanif datinabi avuncular prophet, Abu Talib in the number of religious nut in the first four caliphs mass is in because of the nature of the Arabs yabg hard. so they are not easy to accept something new.
e. Dakanan Clothing
Staple food of the Arabs lay out dates and wheat this they get from the farm besides dates and grapes, which is the result of their farm is the fruit raisins and grapes. Their fabrics imported from asia and china srlatan. They export their agricultural products from other countries, and so on.
Because conditions are met arab barren desert, hot, dusty, sandy and rocky dress Arabs are very closed. memekai robes and masks (veil) to protect from the heat rays and dust beterbangan.Sedangkan mataari uar itself is very simple, it uses half the clothes rod legs or feet, and often his clothes were full of fillings.
f. Architecture / Buildings
Umar set up Bait al-Maal, ie storage of property and forge the currency and create move in building materials. They were imported from East Africa include wood for building. Architecture in the first four caliphs influenced by Egyptian, Persian and Spanish. This is because the building was first developed in the area.
Usman also built dams to maintain a large flood flows and regulate the distribution of water to the cities, as well as for irrigation in agriculture. Where the essential elements in Arab society besides trade is agriculture. Uthman also built roads, bridges, mosques, as well as expanding the Prophet's mosque in Medina by using the architecture of Egypt.
g. Literature
History of Arabic literature, noting mu'allaqat many poets, including the seven that which is known as (suspendeds seven poems) they are:
Ibn al-Qais bin Haris al-Kindi (500-540)
Sulma bin Abu Zuhair Al-Muzani (530-627)
Al Nabiqah al Zubiani (about 604 W)
Labid Rabiah ibn al-amiri (560-661)
Tarafah bin Abdul Bakri (543-569)
Antarah bin Shaddad Al-Bakri (about 580 W)
Many writers-literary Arabic literature shows that at that time was very famous and a culture of the Arabs, the Arabs have great respect for writers.
So Allah revealed the Qur'an with all the beauty of the poem is contained and no one can match the verse of the Qur'an and the density of meaning contained therein. The Qur'an is the book of Allah which has a very high literary value in which there are a very solid sense and easy to understand so that the Qur'an easy to memorize. This has become one of the features of the Qur'an. The Qur'an was revealed to the Muslims with the words and language unique to undermine the work of literature of the time.

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